All are welcome at Faith Community Church and we invite you to become a member of our church family. Please join us for any of our services where you'll find a friendly greeting, singing, scriptural readings and prayer during an inspirational sermon.
Sunday Morning Bible Study
10:00am - 10:45am
We have two adult Bible studies every Sunday morning. Our teachers teach on the bible and how it relates to us and points to the Lord Jesus.
Both of these classes are very interactive with the students who are encouraged to ask questions during the lesson. It is available to anyone 18 yrs and older.
The main thrust of both classes is to teach the word of God so that everyone can be a better steward of His word. Our motto for the Sunday school class is ( learning Gods word, causes growth in God which equals serving God.
Childrens Church
Sunday school begins at 10:00am. There are multiple classes: preschool, elementary, middle school and youth/teens. Nancy Diggs oversees our children's program.
During service there is a nursery that is for ages birth to 4 years old. This is staffed by Joanna Murphy.
On Wednesday nights the nursery and preschool have their programs as well as elementary aged children. There is a Middle School class and a separate class for the older High School youth dealing with youth issues. All classes are taught by teachers who love their age level and can relate to the ability levels of their kids.
Wednesday Family Night
Wednesday night is Family Night at Faith Community. Starting at 7:00pm there is something for every member of the family from birth to senior citizens.
The adult Bible study is taught by Pastor Gus and is completely interactive with insightful discussion and sometimes some deep soul-searching by all. After a time of prayer the class is lead into the Word rotating each quarter from topical to inductive bible study. Either way it is always a time of great fun in His Word.
Most start on Sunday mornings but many quickly grow to love Wednesday evenings because of the causal atmosphere and times to study the Word and experience deep spiritual growth. As Paul shared with his disciple Timothy, "Study to show thyself approved, a workmen that needeth not to be ashamed but RIGHTLY dividing the word of truth. That is out goal too to be ready to serve our Lord in all we do!